Wednesday, 25 June 2008


Do you believe your phone line is secure? Do you believe that no one is listening in on your calls? Do you think that your phone’s data, all of your contacts, messages, and photos are safe and that your internet browsing is secure? If you do, maybe you should think again.

In a Middle East first, a globally acknowledged security expert will be speaking at the region’s only dedicated network security conference, HITBSecConf, about how GSM encryption can be cracked in as little as 30 seconds using technology widely available today, or in 30 minutes through the use of equipment worth only USD$1,000.
Presented by renowned network security specialist and privacy advocate Skyper, the audience will be treated to a unique look at how the security, technology, and protocols of a GSM network operate. Skyper will also detail how to build a GSM scanner for less that USD$1000, as well as future threats to tomorrow’s GSM networks.
“Cell phone usage is evolving at an astonishing rate. We are no longer relying on our cell phones for the sole purpose of making calls, but also to send emails, to access the internet, and to store a variety of data, making our cell phones a repository of personal and business information. Unfortunately, the more dependent we become on personal electronics, the more complex they become, and the more susceptible they become to security defects. Technology for capturing and deciphering cell phone calls has become widespread and poses a real threat to each and every one of us,” explained Skyper
“Every one of us has a mobile, if not more. We’re delighted to have Skyper here to show us how susceptible we are to our privacy being violated, and our personal information being stolen. As one of the few people to pioneer practical methods for capturing and deciphering GSM calls, we’re eager to learn how to stop intruders from gaining access to our networks and shut them out,” said Hack In The Box (M) Sdn Bhd Founder and CEO Dhillon Andrew Kannabhiran, organiser of the HITBSecConf series.

The conference, to be held on the 16–17th of April in Dubai’s Sheraton Hotel will host speakers and representatives from leading security and telecommunications companies such as Motorola, Oger Systems, Scanit Middle East, BlueInfy, ArgenISS, and Telspace Systems.
To find out more about HITBSecConf – Dubai and details on how to register for the event, please visit
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